Social RocketHot Ico Review – Blockchain technologies & social networks,

Social RocketHot Ico Review - Blockchain technologies & social networks,

About Social RocketHot Ico

Social RocketHot Ico combines blockchain technologies & social networks (starting with Twitter) allowing its users to earn crypto assets based on their social medias activities, an unprecedented large-scale experience. With Social Rocket, automatically share your trading news, signals, tips & analysis in real time on Twitter & Telegram and earn incomes for it, in an unprecedented dedicated environment with an exclusive and gamified user experience.

Let’s grow your Twitter and Telegram communities and benefit from a dedicated crypto trading ecosystem, tailor-made for these two platforms. Crypto-enthusiasts, traders, influencers, let’s get daily rewarded for sharing crypto content, news, trading signals, tips & analysis. You will quickly gain levels by using the Social Rocket platform, that will allow you to grow your community and thus your income.

Company NameSocial RocketHot Ico
StatusPast, Trading
Token TypeUtility token
Token Sale Hard CapETH 2500
Token Sale Soft CapETH 2000
Token SymbolROCKS
Initial Token Price1 token = 0.25 USD
Social SupportYES

Social Rocket in five key point

  1. Unprecedented tailor-made features for the crypto community.
  2. Synchronized to your Twitter account & Telegram groups & channels.
  3. Grow you community by always being one step ahead.
  4. Monetize your Social Rocket, Twitter & Telegram audiences.
  5. Earn incomes by being active on the crypto community.

Start earning $ROCKS (Social Rocket token) instantly.

With Social Rocket, as mentioned above, you will quickly start earning your first tokens. Indeed, each day the Social Rocket’s scalable algorithm will generate tokens for you based on your overall Twitter activity (engagement index, tweets, retweets, evolution of the number of followers over time, followers quality factor, likes, comments…).

This means that the more your Twitter influence & community engagement will be consequent, the more you will generate $ROCKS and therefore value. And don’t worry, as you may have heard by now, it’s not always the size that matters most! Even a small Twitter account can generate a significant amount of tokens with great consistency and a well engaged community!

Social Rocket platform

Each Social Rocket person could be capin a position to connect with his non-public area via a customized dashboard and as a consequence get entry to all the features & facts constituting the general revel in at the platform. This dashboard will permit the person to visualise and have interaction with all of the facts regarding his profile, like his non-public data, wallet, statistics, contemporary level, manufacturing velocity, Twitter Pools and plenty greater…

The Social Rocket platform gives a completely gamified revel in that might nearly be in comparison to the manner role-gambling video games work. Your social networks are your battleground, and your revel in is amassed in ROCKS (Social Rocket token). You can then spend your ROCKS to advantage levels, new abilities and plenty greater (greater in this soon).


Users will be able to connect their own wallet in one click on the Social Rocket platform in order to bind it to their account and then start. earning & spend $ROCKS (Social Rocket token) instantly. Users will be able to interact with their wallet directly on the platform by buying $ROCKS, investing, leveling-up, getting back earned tokens and much more.


Affiliation is an extremely interesting way to grow your account and thus gain visibility. When you post content on Social Rocket, you have the option to automatically post it on Twitter and/or Telegram if you wish. If, for example, you decide to post this content on Twitter, a Twitter post will be automatically generated, as well as a discreet affiliate link. So when a Twitter user clicks on your post, if they have never been engaged on Social Rocket by another user before, they will instantly become your affiliate. The more affiliate you have, the more experience points, levels and therefore earnings you will earn.