Marsswap Defi Coin Review: It Is Safe Or Not? Read Our Full Review

What Is Marsswap (MARS)? Coin Review? Guide About Marsswap

What Is Marsswap (MARS)?

MarsSwap is the first decentralized synthetic assets exchange and yield farming platform on BSC. Asset tokenization on Binance Smart Chain has the potential to revolutionize the financial sector by providing a more accessible, cheaper, and faster alternative for gaining exposure to real-world tradable assets.

MarsSwap Coin is a protocol that allows anyone to exchange tokenized assets in a decentralized way on BSC. The protocol’s farms enable users to gain rewards for staking tokens into liquidity pools, both for Asset-backed and Synthetic Tokens.

MarsSwap Defi Facts

Lightning Network Facts
Defi Coin NameMarsswap
Circulating Supply519,457
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Emission Rate:

  • 0.3 MARS per Block (~8400 MARS/Day).
  • Reward halving every 6 months. Proposal via Governance.
  • MARS will be burnt on a regular schedule. The amount will be relative to the deposits on farms & pools.

Launch & Sale Schema

To ensure that both small and big players can benefit from the protocol in the same way, MarsSwap will perform a presale of 100% of the MARS tokens initial supply.

Initial minting: 1,150,000 MARS. There is no private token sale, and no dev fund, or team allocation. Initial MARS supply allocation and distribution:

  • 1,000,000 MARS sold at a fixed price to ensure fairness.
  • 150,000 MARS will be used for liquidity and this will never be removed.
    • 100% allocated in MARS-BNB LP (locked forever).

Pre-sale fund allocation:

The funds proceeding from the 1,000,000 MARS distributed via the pre-sale process will be allocated as follows:

  • 15% of the total fund will be used to provide MARS-BNB LP liquidity in MarsSwap’s AMM, and will never be removed.
  • 50% will be used to make new hirings, grow the team and develop MarsSwap’s ambitious roadmap and integrating with 1INCH, among other popular dex aggregators.
  • 25% will be used for marketing, community management and design efforts.
  • 10% will be used to establish mid- and long-term partnerships with other platforms which leverage MarsSwap’s features.

Platform Development and Sustainability

MarsSwap Coin development team will only profit from the fees when users make transactions and operations in the platform. This fee is denominated in MARS. Having zero initial token allocation, this fee is how MarsSwap’s Team is going to start earning MARS tokens.

Implementing this approach ensures a safe, stable and healthy platform for all users:

  • Reduces to zero the possibility that the dev team can just dump the tokens the day after the presale, as seen regularly in the crypto space.
  • The dev team can’t just leave the project live, forget it and stop working on it. In order to make a profit, the dev team needs to work and evolve the platform to the point of envision.

What makes MarsSwap Finance different from other Farms and Pools?

MarsSwap Coin are trying to solve a real problem: Currently, access to traditional markets is not available to everyone as it should be. Thanks to BSC they will allow everyone to trade, farm and gain exposure to real-world tradable assets (in the likes of Microsoft, Apple and Tesla) on an accessible, cheap and transparent way.

Governance Based Migrations

As the project grows, deploying new features to contracts becomes necessary in order to ensure both MARS token’s long-term sustainability, and a continuous evolution and adaptation of the Mars Protocol and ecosystem. Currently, there are two popular approaches to solve this: PancakeSwap’s and Goosedefi’s.

MarsSwap solves migrations by using its Governance protocol. Instead of being unilaterally able to migrate LPs, any migration must be approved by MARS token holders. This strategy will allow MarsSwap to evolve and keep growing while ensuring that any change is beneficial for the token holders.