Zap Store Ico Review – World Data to Smart Contracts

Zap Store Ico Review - World Data to Smart Contracts

About Zap Store Ico

The Zap Store Ico allows developers to create, publish and subscribe to smart contract and Ðapp compatible data feeds. They are the official go-to source for all questions and inquiries related to Cryptocurrencies. They offer Information for Investors and traders. It does not matter if you are just looking for information or if you are really interested in investing in cryptocurrencies. They offer something for everyone.

Based on our Zap Store ICO rating, this investment has a 3.9 out of 10 safety rank. The dominant ranking factor for this project is Category Potential. The office of this ICO is placed in United States of America and its team consists of 21 members. Check out this Zap Store ICO review, analysis and metric 2020 breakdown to know more about this startup.

Company NameSeratio
Token SymbolZAP
Price In Ico0.1839 USD
Restricted areasNo
Ico Start21st Oct 2017
Ico End20th Nov 201

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Zap Store Ico task is to highlight the still very dark crypto market. If you are familiar with the space, you know that shady operators and scams are not so common anymore, but there is still a lot of work to do! We are fighting to create a world where Bitcoin & co. assumed as what they are. Currencies. That’s why we fight so hard!

Build​ ​a​ ​Robust,​ ​Source​ ​Agnostic​ ​Oracle​ ​Network

Zap Ico is bringing together the existing wealth of global data with the diverse capabilities of distributed applications by ensuring the secure creation of oracles.

Incentivize​ ​Oracle​ ​Creation​ ​and​ ​Curation

Zap is building a global, decentralized data marketplace and populating it with unique incentivization tools, empowering anyone to begin monetizing their data.

Fuel​ ​the​ ​Next​ ​Generation​ ​of​ ​Embedded​ ​Dapps

Zap is supplying a much-needed fundamental piece of the Ethereum ecosystem and the Web 3.0 paradigm, enabling developers to construct Dapps that simply could not function without it

Zap Store investment 

The main category of this ICO is Cryptocurrency and the script has graded Zap Store investment on position number 1836 out of 4879 projects by the safety rank. Our rankings are based on several clear metrics what makes it easy to analyze different ICO campaigns.


January 1, 2019

Q4 2017

ZAPCore alpha complete
Market Contract: Accomplishes encrypted and monetized p2p data feed arbitration.
Oracle Proxy Contract: Proxy for pending oracle event responses and requests.
Oracle Binding Contract: Ledger of staked ZAP and generator of oracle DOTs.
ZAPClient in pre-alpha.

January 1, 2019
January 1, 2019

Q1 2018

ZAPCore Live Beta: Fully functional beta built atop the ZAP token.
ZAPClient Beta.
ZAP Provider SDK v1.0.
First Round of Featured Providers Integration.

January 1, 2019
January 1, 2019

Q2 2018

ZAP Dataprovider Toolkit and Market Maker.
FIX protocol engine v1.0.
iOS/Android app release.

January 1, 2019
January 1, 2019

Q3 2018

ZAPCore and ZapClient exit Beta and go Live.
Second Round of Featured Providers Integration.

January 1, 2019
January 1, 2019

Q4 2018

Third Round of Featured Providers Integration.
First round of bounties for new oracles.

January 1, 2019


Even though they may be a fairly new company, that does not mean that we are completely new when it comes to cryptocurrencies. The team consists of several employees, and we can proudly say that all our team members are experts in his or her field. 

Zap Store team includes people who have been a part of the Crypto industry since 2009, where Altcoins was not even an idea. Former investors and huge “whales”, our team has everything to offer. That’s why we literally consider ourselves the best on the market. And that is why we are so confident of being able to fulfill our previously mentioned dream.