WINkLink Cryptocurrency Exchange Review: It is Good Or Bad Review 2021

WINkLink Cryptocurrency Exchange Review: It is Good Or Bad Review 2021

About WINkLink Cryptocurrency Exchange

WINkLink Cryptocurrency Exchange Smart contracts are applications deployed and executed on decentralised systems. Any changes cannot be made once a smart contract is deployed on a blockchain. Smart contracts are more secure compared with traditional contracts, as anyone(including the author) has the same authority. Smart contracts are automatically executed when they meet the requirements; all parties of the contracts can reach an agreement without trust. Smart contracts cannot obtain the off-chain data themselves, such as API data. This is caused by the consensus mechanism of the blockchain, and we propose an oracle network, JustLink, to solve this problem. JustLink is a decentralised oracle network. Decentralisation reduces the needs of trust among parties of the contracts, and JustLink ensures the security of the entire procedure of smart contracts execution, including obtaining data from off-chain sources. This is the prerequisite of connecting smart contracts to the real world and taking the place of traditional digital contracts. To apply smart contracts to a wider range of scenarios, the accuracy of the input/output data is required. Example data requirement of smart contracts can be as following:

WINkLink Cryptocurrency Exchange Securities smart contracts such as bonds, interest rate derivatives, and many others will require access to APIs reporting market prices and market reference data, e.g. interest rates. Insurance smart contracts will need data feeds about IoT data related to the insurable event in question, e.g.: was the warehouse’s magnetic door locked at the time of the breach, was the company’s firewall online or did the flight you had insurance for arriving on time.

Exchange NameWINkLink
Exchange TypeCryptocurrency
Total Supply994,855,928,116
Fully Diluted Market Cap$519,776,879
Market Cap$162,673,842
 Top CountryIndia

How To Sign Up & Start Trading

You Sign Up For A User Account By Providing Basic Information.

On Every Exchange You Will Get Option For Sign Up Or Create Account . Just Fill Some Basic Details Like Name , Email , Password , Security Question Etc For Registration . It Is First Step To Start Trading On Any Exchange

You Then Receive An E-mail In Your Mailbox To Activate Your Account.

Before You Can Login, You Must Active Your Account With The Code Sent To Your Email Address.Then You Will See A Message That Your Financial Account Is Activated And Ready To Go. This Means That You Can Log In And Start Trading In Cryptocurrency.

Identity Verification

For Successful Verification You Will Need Identity Documents. For Example, You Can Use A Driver’s License Or Passport, Where The Name Is Duplicated In Latin Letters.Confirmation Of Identity On Exchange Is An Optional Step. The Procedure Must Be Completed Only If You Want To Remove The Restrictions Of Btc On Deposit Or Withdrawal Of Funds Per Day.


WINkLink Data requests initiated by smart contracts are called requesting contracts and denote by USER-SC. The on-chain interface JustLink interacts with requesting contracts is itself a smart contract which is denoted by JUSTLINK-SC. JustLink has an on-chain module called aggregator contract. Users choose nodes and services from a front-end page for the aggregator contract, and then it will calculate the final result for requesting contracts.

Oracle Selection

Oracle services purchasers evaluate their specific requirements, then select nodes and services from the list page. Nodes related data is available in the list for consumers to choose appropriate nodes and services. We have also considered manual matching is not possible for all situations. In the future, we will design an automated matching mechanism to meet more needs.

Data Aggregation

WINkLink An aggregator contract collects results from all specified nodes and calculates a result. This result is finally sent to USER-SC. There is not a universal aggregator contract, for every demand can be different(e.g. return type). JustLink will include a standard(i.e. a template) for users to customise their contracts.


The off-chain component of JustLink is the oracle node. Nodes obtain off-chain data separately and finally calculate a single result in the aggregator contract. The following of this paper elaborates on how to aggregate the several responses and return it to USER-SC. The JustLink nodes are powered by the standard open-source core implementation, which handles standard blockchain interactions, scheduling, and connecting with common external resources

Just Link Core

WINkLink core software of a node is responsible for interacting with the blockchain, assignment scheduling and work balancing. Work done by JustLink is called an assignment. Every assignment can be divided into subtasks. Each subtask passes its result to the next subtask; they run tandemly to get the final result. JustLink has several built-in subtasks, including HTTP requests, JSON parsing and conversion to various blockchain formats.

External Adapters

Users can customize subtasks within an external adapter. Adapters are external services with a minimal REST API. By adding an intermediate API in front of the program, programs in any programming language can be easily implemented.

Subtask Schemas

With the application of JustLink becoming wider, there can be many open-source adapters. Any community members can review the code of adapters. It is an essential task to keep the compatibility between adapters because there can be various adapters made by the community.

An Ideally Secure Oracle

WINkLink An instructive, principled way to reason about oracle security stems from the following thought experiment. Assuming there is a trusted third party that can always perform instructions honestly, the oracle runs by it is called an idea oracle. The idea oracle obtains data from a trustful data source, to keep secure, it will carry out the following tasks: – Accept request: Ingest from a smart contract USER-SC a request Req = (Src, τ, q) that specifies a target data source Src, time or range of times τ, and a query q; – Obtain data: Send query q to Src at time τ ; – Return data: On receiving answer a, return a to the smart contract.

The idea oracle builds a vital bridge between the data source and USER-SC; it gives accurate data on time. The requested data is not suitable for the public in many scenarios. The idea oracle will always keep data requests confidential. Requests will be encrypted, and the idea oracle holds the public key. An idea oracle should always be available, never downtime, and will not deny any requests. However, there is not a 100% trustworthy data source in the world. The data has risks of tempering due to many possible reasons(e.g. vulnerability or cheating of the website). Also, there cannot be a perfect third party to run an oracle. The idea oracle does not exist. What we are trying is to make JustLink closer to it.

What Just Link Does?

Use JustLink to feed trusted Price Data to DeFi Platforms

Decentralized financial apps provide prices for token exchange and loan mortgage. JustLink’s embedded price oracle system offers stable and reliable price feeds for DeFi-building developers.

Trusted off-chain Data for more use Cases

JustLink Oracle allows developers to use any real-world data, such as sports and weather. Developers could create custom-made oracles here, and connect smart contracts with the real world in a few minutes.