What Is BNBPot (BNBP)? Complete Guide & Review About BNBPot

What Is BNBPot (BNBP)? Complete Guide & Review About BNBPot

What Is BNBPot (BNBP)?

BNBPot is a platform that facilitates Peer-to-Peer betting that is completely decentralized, trustless, and 100% transparent. They provides the framework for players to bet against one another safely and fairly on the platform in various game and wager types.

The Token Utility The primary utility in holding BNBP Token is that it represents a share of the fees generated by They based on the number of shares an individual holder has staked within BNBPot vs. the total number of BNBP tokens staked. Worlds first truly decentralized casino. BNBPot is simply a web3 application that visualize the events & activities of smart contracts on blockchains

Important Points Table Of BNBPot

Coin NameBNBPot
Short NameBNBP
Total Supply1,000,000
ExplorerClick Here To View
DocumentationView Document
WebsiteClick Here To Visit

How to Buy the Continental & Trade On Exchange?

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First Step

Buying BNBP Is Very Easy Task . Just Find Exchange Where BNBP Available & Buy Through Your Credit & Other Altcoin .

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Second Step

Once You Purchased BNBP. Now It Is Time To Store Your BNBP Or Start Trading On Exchange .

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Why decentralize a casino?

1. Guaranteed fairness in the games. All game code is transparent and on-chain.
2. Guaranteed payouts. Instant payouts directly to your wallet everytime you win.
3. No censorship. Anyone with a wallet and crypto can enter the games.
4. Lowest fees and highest RTP in the industry
5. All profits are distributed in a completely decentralized and automated manner to BNBP holders

Player vs. Player concept

All games on BNBPot is developed to be player vs player. They match players against eachother in a secure and decentralized way. This means that simply provides a series of decentralized contracts that players can choose to interact with. You can never win value from BNBPot

Profit Sharing

All games on BNBPot Coin is associated with a fee from 1.5% to 3%. This fee is deducted from the winner. These fees are automatically distributed to holders of BNBP token.

Fee Generation

Fee Generation and Distribution While there is never a fee to take a bet or play in a game, there is a fee charged to the winner of the bet or game. This fee will vary depending on the game type and the player offering the game, should it be host by a player and not BNBPot. The fees will range from 15% up to a maximum of 3%.


BNBPot Coin guarantees fairness and instant payouts for any games played or bets placed on the site and the code is completely transparent and on-chain. There is no censorship, anyone with a cryptocurrency wallet and approved tokens can enter the games and make bets. Furthermore, due to the peer-to-peer nature of the games they have extremely low fees and the highest RTP in the industry.

What tokens

BNBPot will whitelist a series of BEP20 tokens that will have sufficient liquidity on Pancakeswap. They want to make sure that users are able to swap their winnings for any token of their choice on Pancakeswap. They expect 30 to 100 tokens to be whitelisted on They at any given point of time. Certain bridged-in tokens will also be whitelisted on BNBPot Coin.

Participation Phase

100,000 BNBP tokens have been alloted to the initial participation phase.
This will be a one-time event to support the launch and short-term growth of BNBPot.0

How does it work?

– Every jackpot will have 1 BNBP bonus added by default.
– For every 100 USD in the pot, 1 BNBP is added to the bonus.
– Max. 50 BNBP bonus per jackpot.
– Only the winner of the jackpot wins the BNBP bonus.
– The participation phase ends when 100,000 BNBP have been won.
– The BNBP Bonus tokens will be distributed when all 100,000 tokens have been won

Referral during the participation phase

– Earn 10% of all BNBP your referred players win.
– Create your custom referral link here

What is Decentralized PVP ?

Player Vs Player. This means that BNBPot is not a house that you can play against. It’s a series of contracts where players can compete against each other in a decentralized and trustless manner, at a very competitive 3% fee. This removes counterparty risk and censorship.