Urbit Data ICO Review : The Next Revolution of the Real Estate Market

Urbit Data ICO Review : The Next Revolution of the Real Estate Market

About Urbit Data ICO

Urbit Data ICO Data’s mission is to create transparency and efficiency in the real estate market. As of today, Urbit Data has already a product which offers ad-hoc evaluation of any real estate object in the Spanish market. The developed a powerful data collection engine which gathers information from various publicly available data sources and combines them intelligently in order to be able to calculate the value of any real estate property in Spain.

Using an open approach based on open source and blockchain technology, they want to create an ecosystem where comprehensive information on all real estate properties can be digitally stored, evaluated and transferred. The whole real estate market will greatly benefit from this due to the improvement in transparency and efficiency. Urbit Data is backed by a strong experienced team of experts in the real estate market and in blockchain technology.

Token NameUrbit Data ICO
Token SymbolURB
Token TypeUtility
AcceptingBTC, ETH, Fiat
Soft Cap3,500,000 USD
Hard Cap19,000,000 USD
Whitelist/KYCKYC & Whitelist
Mini Invst100 EUR
Minimum investment100 USD

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