Unstoppable Domains Airdrop Review: No Renewal Fees Ever

Unstoppable Domains Airdrop Review: No Renewal Fees Ever

About Unstoppable Domains

Unstoppable Domains provides .crypto and other top-level domain names to users with no renewal fees. When a user claims a domain, it is minted as an NFT on the Ethereum blockchain, granting the user full ownership and control.

The provides .crypto and other top-level domain names to users with no renewal fees. When a user claims a domain, it is minted as an NFT on the Ethereum blockchain, granting the user full ownership and control.

Unstoppable Domains Airdrop are decentralized. This makes them, in a word, unstoppable. Once a user claims a domain to a wallet, they have absolute control over that domain. Domains can be transferred, updated, and linked to other services without any involvement from Unstoppable Domains. Unstoppable Domains cannot deactivate, change, or transfer a domain’s records without a user’s permission.

PlatformAirdrop EndsMax. ParticipantsWebsite
ETH2022-05-04UnlimitedClick Here To Visit

Step No 1

Register for the Unstoppable Domains Airdrop by creating an account.

Step No 2

Verify your email & log in to your account.

Step No 3

Take part in the referral program and invite 3 friends.

Step No 4

Join Airdrop on Telegram group & Telegram channel

Step No 5

Follow Unstoppable Domains on Twitter & like/share the pinned tweet and tag 3 friends.  

Step No 6

Like/follow Unstoppable Domains Airdrop Now, everyone can become a Airdrop on Facebook & like/share the pinned post.  

I want to support Unstoppable Domains in my web browser

Allow your users of your browser to create and view decentralized websites. Individuals control their own content and identity with a decentralized website. The website is decentralized, by being created on the Ethereum blockchain, and the domain is stored in a user’s wallet, just like a cryptocurrency. This means that no one can delete content (such as blogs, podcasts, artwork, social media) or move it around other than the domain owner.

Join The Affiliate Program

  1. Create content about
  2. Include your custom affiliate link
  3. Customers click on the link and make a purchase
  4. You get paid for those purchases


Receive commission from each customer who clicks through your affiliate link and makes a purchase.

Commission cap

Each purchase pays out 20%.

They want to sell domains to users in my app

If you want to resell domains, you must first Register as A Reseller with and configure your reseller account to accept Stripe and/or CoinBase payments. You may also visit the Buy Domain: Reseller Demo to test out the platform before integration. See the Reseller API Endpoints for interactive guides and detailed parameters.

They want to build a decentralized website and link it to my domain

The Login with feature helps you connect directly with your users through your dApp. The Unstoppable Authorization Server makes it easy for users to share both public and permissioned information with your dApp, such as email, memberships, and social profiles. Login with is based on the OpenID Connect (OIDC) authorization protocol modified to be secured with a simple web3 wallet signature. See the guides on Domain Owner Configuration and Developer Integration to get started.

Promote my UD integration

They offer free advertising for UD integrated apps. Once your app has a working integration, register it here. Registered apps appear on the Unstoppable Domains homepage and Applications page — putting your app in front of tens of thousands of potential customers per day.Also, every week we select a newly-integrated app to feature in the Unstoppable Update newsletter. This newsletter is delivered to~100,000 crypto fanatics — all of whom could become new customers to grow your business.

Crypto Payments

The most common way to integrate with is through simple domain resolution. This process converts a human-readable name like brad.crypto to the cryptocurrency addresses that name stores. As long as the addresses are set, a user can send any of our 80+ supported cryptocurrencies to an Unstoppable Domain and it will end up in the right place. A user can send BTC to brad.crypto and it will go to Brad’s BTC address. A user can send ETH to brad.crypto and will go to Brad’s ETH address. Unstoppable Domains support 80+ cryptocurrencies and counting.