What Is Sweep Capital (SWEEP)? Coin Review? Guide About Sweep Capital

What Is Sweep Capital (SWEEP)? Coin Review? Guide About Sweep Capital

What Is Sweep Capital (SWEEP)?

Sweep Capital provides a simple way for NFT and DeFi users to benefit from market opportunities. By doing the heavy lifting, in terms researching, analysing, and investing, SWEEP returns profits to users on Ethereum. By holding SWEEP, the user earns both reflections from buys/sells and a future share of profits from the NFT investment portfolio.

Important Points Table Of SWEEP

Coin NameSweep Capital
Short NameSWEEP
Total Supply 100,000,000
ExplorerClick Here To View
DocumentationView Document
WebsiteClick Here To Visit

How to Buy the Sweep Capital(SWEEP) Coin & Trade On Exchange?

First Step

Buying SWEEP Is Very Easy Task . Just Find Exchange Where SWEEP Available & Buy Through Your Credit & Other Altcoin .

Second Step

Once You Purchased SWEEP. Now It Is Time To Store Your SWEEP Or Start Trading On Exchange .

Treasury Management

We’ve built a team capable of quickly identifying trends and the best market opportunities, not only in farming but also in the NFTs market and blockchain infrastructure projects. All of these markets are lucrative, but require a large amount of time, constant monitoring of markets and active networking in order to maximize one’s profit. This is why SWEEP CAPITAL is here, we want to facilitate your entry into these markets while taking advantage of the abundance of profitable opportunities.

Sweep Capital Coin provide round-the-clock capital management services so that we can assess all market opportunities, without exception. The treasury is financed by the tax paid on transactions with SWEEP. Since transaction fees on the ETH network are volatile and often very high, treasury profits are returned in transparent ways using SWEEP buybacks.

By using this method of redistributing profits, they want to avoid SWEEP holders paying excessive fees to claim their winnings and we return SWEEPs to each holder via the reflection tax. In addition, each buyback is manually redirected to a blackhole address in order to reduce the total supply of the project and to create a deflationary system which will reinforce the value of SWEEP.


Sweep Capital provides a simple way for NFT and DeFi users to benefit from market opportunities. By doing the heavy lifting, in terms researching, analysing, and investing, SWEEP returns profits to users on Ethereum. By holding SWEEP, the user earns both reflections from buys/sells and a future share of profits from the investment portfolio.

Competitive Advantage

The concept of farming protocols and profit sharing between their holders is nothing new. Accordingly, they must find a way to stand out by bringing a different approach and a different management system. The 70/30 investment rule allows us to maximize our gains in the market while minimizing risks. SWEEP CAPITAL generates benefits with and for the community in three ways :

1- Building a NFT portfolio for the community

Current trends lead us to believe that the NFT market is less affected by cryptocurrency market fluctuations and fundamental events. This distinction between these two markets gives us the opportunity to edge our investments and continue to generate profits that we can give back to the community.

Sweep Capital Coin is made up of a team of passionate analysts on the lookout for the slightest opportunities that may present themselves to us. To minimize the risks, we will allocate 70% of the funds, for the NFTs, to the certified collections and which already have a certain notoriety. And, the remaining 30% will be used for uncertified collections and promising collection whitelists.

2- Diversification within the Blockchain infrastructure

The enthusiasm that they have observed in recent years within the blockchain, leads to believe that the next rise of Bitcoin will bring us several investment opportunities. To do this, Sweep Capital Coin is made up of a team of meticulous analysts whose mission is to find the best opportunities at the best prices in order to generate profits that can be given back to the community.

To minimize risk, they will allocate 70% of the funds, for Blockchain infrastructure, to projects whose reputation are already established. And, the remaining 30% will be used for projects that are more risky, but still with a valid fundamental and huge growth potential. Under no circumstances will they invest in projects without added value within the Blockchain infrastructure.

3- Farming as a Service

In order to ensure a minimum return to the community, they will allocate 70% of funds for safe and profitable stablecoin farms for you. And, the remaining 30% will be allocated to major DeFi Protocols that the community will choose from the choices they will provide.