Spar Finance Airdrop Review: Get Earn And Receive Rewards

Spar Finance Airdrop Review: Get Earn And Receive Rewards

About Spar Finance Airdrop

Spar Finance Airdrop is an asset management protocol for mass adoption powered by Terra & Mirror. With the SPAR token, users can take part in governance, provide liquidity and stake. Spar Finance will airdrop a total of 6,214,286 SPAR to LUNA and MIR stakers. The snapshot date will not be announced and the claim will go live at TGE, which is expected to happen after the completion of their public testnet.

PlatformTotal ValueMax. ParticipantsWebsite
Terra6,214,286 SPARUnlimitedClick Here To Visit

Step No 1

Register for the Spar Finance Airdrop, by creating an account.

Step No 2

Verify your email & log in to your account.

Step No 3

Take part in the referral program and invite 3 friends.

Step No 4

Join Spar Finance Airdrop on Telegram group & Telegram channel

Step No 5

Follow Spar Finance Airdrop on Twitter & like/share the pinned tweet and tag 3 friends.  

Step No 6

Like/follow Spar Finance Now, everyone can become a Airdrop on Facebook & like/share the pinned post.  

How Spar Works

Choose a pool that works for you, pay less to join, fast setup, withdraw anytime, and get access to global assets without sacrificing security – stay in full control.

  1. Create your account
  2. Deposit Capital
  3. Receive Rewards

Spar for Investors

Are you too busy to manage your own liquidity? Want access to higher returns but don’t want to trade? Free yourself from the hassle.

Invest into high performers

Make your capital work in a large variety of pools based on your risk appetite.

No restrictions

Enjoy a place with no deposit or withdrawal restrictions.

Full control

Make educated decisions with a transparent track record and always stay in control of your liquidity.


Get exposure to various types of asset classes. Get a positive return even in a bear market.

Spar for Pool Managers

Join a hassle-free way of launching, managing, and scaling your pool. Show off your ability to perform alongside other pools and attract liquidity worldwide.

Low trading fees

Spar Finance Airdrop Only pay a maximum of $1.40 per trade.


Set pool parameters, stay private, or take your pool public.

Speed & Security

Opening a pool only takes a few minutes, and you stay in control of your wallet.


Spar Finance Airdrop Access a large pool of liquidity providers, different asset classes, and a variety of tokens.

Sign up for beta

Tradeable Assets

Trade a variety of markets in different asset classes to ensure you can manage risk in any condition. New assets added on an on-going basis. Want something else? Propose it via governance.

The SPAR Token

SPAR token holders help shape the future of the Spar Protocol. Joining Spar Protocol not only makes you a community member but also makes you a co-owner of the platform. Eligible stakers will be able to claim their tokens on Spar Finance after TGE, which is expected to happen after the completion of their public testnet.

With the SPAR token, you can take part in governance, provide liquidity and stake. An asset management gas is collected on various functions and distributed to governance stakers. LUNA stakers will have an allocation of 5,714,286 SPAR and MIR stakers will have an allocation of 500,000 SPAR.

Spar is leveling the playing field.”

Spar Finance Airdrop Invest alongside the pros, get access to returns usually reserved for private pools, create and manage your own pool or save time so you can spend more time on things you love.

Who will love Spar Finance

  1. Busy professionals
  2. Pool managers from big to small
  3. Individuals
  4. High net-worth individuals

Sign up for testnet

Spar Finance Airdrop are looking for managers and liquidity providers. Be one of the first users to experience a new way of investing. Get access to the insider circle of the liquidity provider and managers. Choose strategies, connect your wallet. Rinse. Repeat.