Soonaverse Coin Review : Is It Good Or Bad Coin Read Our Article

Soonaverse Coins

About Soonaverse Coin

Soonaverse Coin is a platform for communities to create and manage decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), NFTs, projects, companies, and markets, on the feeless infrastructure of the IOTA network. Any organization can launch and trade liquid assets through your Marketplace, Launchpad, and Token Exchange products.

A flourishing crypto ecosystem is built on top of reliable infrastructure. The Soonaverse provides an intuitive platform that allows anybody in the world to easily manage their communities and the digital assets they create. Those digital assets then become fully liquid through various marketplaces seamlessly woven into one simple user experience.

Soonaverse Coin (SOON) Point Table

Coin BasicInformation
Coin NameSoonaverse Coin
Short NameSOON
Circulating SupplyN/A
Max Supply100,000,000
Source CodeClick Here To View Source Code
ExplorersClick Here To View Explorers
Twitter PageClick Here To Visit Twitter Group
WhitepaperClick Here To View
Official Project WebsiteClick Here To Visit Project Website


An NFT is commonly described as a digital certificate of ownership representing the purchase of a digital asset, traceable on a blockchain. In the common parlance, when you purchase a Soonaverse through the Service you essentially “own’ the NFT you purchase. But in practice, purchasing any NFT, including a SoonLabs NFT is better thought of as purchasing exclusive rights of access to an item, more akin to a license, that provides similar rights as full ownership of a piece of property.

SoonLabs tries its best to describe your rights within this TOS so you can be better informed about your “ownership” rights in your NFTs, which are essentially the same as with any other NFTs. When you purchase a SoonLabs NFT, you receive the right to trade it, sell it or give it away. But NFT holders do not receive all significant rights to the digital work represented by the NFT, including rights provided under copyright law, the right of adaptation or the right of reproduction.

Streaming and Social Media License

They grants you a non-sublicensable, non-transferrable, revocable, limited license to publicly display SoonLabs NFT(s) you control on video streaming websites, such as and, and on social media, such as tweeting a video or a picture or by simply posting an image of your NFT on an avatar profile. 

SoonLabs may terminate or modify the scope of the streaming and social media license granted to you at any time without notice or compensation and will not be liable to you or any third party for any loss you incur.  

Verification Information

In providing Verification Information, you confirm that it is accurate and authentic. After registering an Account, you shall maintain Verification Information, including contact details, truthful, complete and update such information in a timely manner when necessary. If there is any reasonable doubt that any information provided by you is inaccurate, outdated or incomplete, you shall correct or remove relevant information or SoonLabs may terminate all or part of your access to the Service. 

Why Choose Soonaverse Coin?

A Feeless Base Layer

The unique features of the IOTA and Shimmer networks allow the Soonaverse to provide certain services like voting as well as NFT minting and trading free of charge.

L1 Assets and Exchanges

The power of feeless base layers should not be underestimated. All assets created directly on IOTA or Shimmer will have marketplaces where they are traded without requiring a transfer to a smart contract chain.

3rd party Service Modules

To make the Soonaverse a true all-in-one platform, other projects are empowered to launch modules that will be attached to the core system and provide synergies that benefit all users.

Where Can You Buy Soonaverse Coin (SOON)?

Tokens Can Be Purchased On Most Exchanges. One Choice To Trade Is On BitForex, As It Has The Highest SOON/USDT.e Trading Volume, $8,947 As Of February 2021. Next is OKEx, With A Trading Volume Of $6,180,82. Other option To Trade Include SOON/USDT And Huobi Global. Of Course, It Is Important To Note That Investing In Cryptocurrency Comes With A Risk, Just Like Any Other Investment Opportunity.

Market Screenshot

Soonaverse Coin Market Screenshot

Soonaverse Coin Supported Wallet

Several Browser And Mobile App Based Wallets Support Soonaverse Coin. Here Is Example Of Wallet Which Soonaverse Coin – Trust Wallet For Hardware Ledger Nano.

FAQ Of Soonaverse Coin

Where I Can Find Soonaverse Coin Whitepaper?

You Can Find Soonaverse Coin Whitepaper By Clicking Here.

Where I Can Buy/Sell Balancer Token?

You Can Buy or Sell Balancer Token On Some Popular Exchange For Example – BitForex.

What is Circulating Supply Of Balancer Token?

Circulating Supply Of Balancer Token Is N/A.