SafeBull Airdrop Review: A Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Token.

SafeBull Airdrop Review: A Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Token.

About SafeBull Airdrop

SafeBull Airdrop Protocol is a decentralized finance (DeFi) token. SafeBull will develop a non-fungible token (NFT) exchange, as well as charity projects and crypto educational apps. SafeBull is airdropping 300,000 SAFEBULL to participants who chat with their Telegram bot and complete simple social tasks. Also get 200,000 SAFEBULL for each referral.

SafeBull Protocol is a decentralized finance (DeFi) token. SafeBull develop a non-fungible token (NFT) exchange, as well as charity projects and crypto educational apps. SafeBULL launched on Apr. 27, 2021

PlatformEstimated  ValueMax. ParticipantsWebsite
Binance Smart Chain$1 + refUnlimitedClick Here To Visit

Step No 1

Register for the SafeBull Airdrop, by creating an account.

Step No 2

Verify your email & log in to your account.

Step No 3

Take part in the referral program and invite 3 friends.

Step No 4

Join SafeBull Airdrop on Telegram group & Telegram channel

Step No 5

Follow SafeBull on Twitter & like/share the pinned tweet and tag 3 friends.  

Step No 6

Like/follow SafeBull Airdrop Now, everyone can become a Airdrop on Facebook & like/share the pinned post.  

How To buy

A step by step guide on how to buy SafeBull from Pancakeswap.

Step 1: Create a Wallet

SafeBull Airdrop Download Trust Wallet and create a wallet. Keep your phrase a secret! Never share it with anyone and store it properly!

Make sure to copy the contract address below!Address0xfa344c08c93066a4d6266063c6ebc63925a18467Copy

Step 2: Add SafeBull to the Wallet

Tap the icon in the top-right and search for “SafeBull“. If it’s not there, tap “Add Custom Token”.

At the top, tap “Ethereum” next to Network, and change it to “Smart Chain”. Copy the contract address on this page and put it in the Contract Address box.

Next, put “SafeBull” as the name, and the symbol as SAFEBULL. Decimals will be 9.

Click “Done” at the top and you should now have SafeBull added to your wallet!

Step 3: Buy “Binance Smart Chain” (BSC)

Tap on “Smart Chain” on the main screen of trust wallet, then tap “Buy” in the top right. This step may require KYC verification, so have documents ready to prove your identity.

If the transaction won’t go through, you may need to contact your bank to allow international transactions.

After purchasing, there may be a delay while your transaction is processed. Be patient, this is normal!

Step 4: Swap BSC for SafeBull!

Once your transaction has been cleared, and you have BSC on your Trust Wallet, Go to DApps (or “Browser” for iPhones) at the bottom of the main screen. If the Browser button is not visible at the bottom for iPhone, open Safari and in the URL type trust://browser_enable, then return to trust wallet.

Open the DApps, or Browser, section and find PancakeSwap and open it. Connect your Trust Wallet in the top-right. Scroll down a little to the “Exchange” box

SafeBull Airdrop Click the icon and set the slippage to 12%. If you want to give it the best possible change to clear, increase the deadline. By default it should be set to 20 minutes, which is fine.

Step 4: Swap BSC for SafeBull!

Once the slippage is set, and you have the BNB amount set that you wish to swap for safebull as shown, just click Swap and wait patiently for the transaction to clear. This process may not be instant and can take anywhere from a few minutes up to an hour sometimes, depending on traffic.

Once the transaction has been cleared, you should have SafeBull in your Trust Wallet!

Now all that’s left is to HOLD!

Community Driven

SafeBull Airdrop are 100% community driven: Fair launch, locked and burned LP and team tokens.

Secure & Immutable

SafeBull is a smart contract based crypto which uses BEP-20 interface, making it secure and immutable.

100% Safe

SafeBull Airdrop Driven by community and a fair launch. The Developer burned all team LP tokens.