ROInvesting Advertising Review : Up to $800 for each verified trader

ROInvesting Advertising Review : Up to $800 for each verified trader

About ROInvesting

ROInvesting (herein “the Company”) would like to inform its valued Clients that it has identified that a fake domain and platform has been unlawfully using the Company’s name with an aim to deceive the Company’s (potential) Clients to engage into their services and/or capture their login credentials and other personal details. Considering the above stated, the Company wishes to warn its Clients to remain cautious and not to input any passwords, card details and other personal data onto the aforementioned domain and platform. Furthermore, the Company reminds its valued clients and the general public that the Company operates only through its approved domain, what can be confirmed at all times on the website of the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) at the following link. The Company emphasizes that it is not related, does not operate and does not have any business relationship with the operator of the domain and platform

Quick Facts About ROInvesting

Commission TypeCPA
Base CommissionUp to $800 for each verified trader
Minimum Payment$1000
Payment FrequencyMonthly, by the 15th
Payment MethodBank Wire Transfer, etc
Referral CommissionN/A
Tracking SoftwareIn-house
Cookie LengthUnknown
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Technology-Powered Trading Terminals

ROInvesting uses innovative trading platforms to enhance trader’s experience on the markets. Place market orders, open trades, use 30+ analytical instruments, benefit from multiple chart windows to compare different assets, get trade signals with ROInvesting ethologically advanced webtrader and mobile platforms. webtrader and mobile trading application ensure top-class security due to data encryption technology at the time of trading. Enjoy advanced technologies for enhanced trading experience.

Why ROInvesting?

LeadThrough Technology

Innovative technology solutions always take ROInvesting traders a few steps ahead of the competition. We are highly proud of our unparalleled performance-enhancing software and high-tech analytical tools that ensure the bright and lightning-fast trading performance of our traders.


Maintaining the security of our clients’ trading environment is our top priority. Fulfilling the international regulations and abiding the national legislation on safety and privacy of data, funds, investments, and transactions is the cornerstone of ROInvesting’s commitment to each individual trader.


Technically and intellectually crafted online courses, tutorials, articles, e-books, VODs, and individual learning paths are designed to level up any trader – from beginner to professional.


Intelligence, technology, and integrity in the trading arena is our business card. We aim to be one of the best online brokers with a level of expertise and analytics that inspires our clients to turn their ambitions into reality.

We make sure you get your payments on time!

Our online payment and tracking system makes sure payments are made on time and according to your plan’s ongoing results. We know how important it is to you and we make it a top priority for us!

Media-Efficient Marketing Materials

ROInvesting provides top-shelf marketing materials specifically designed to convert your clients on any media. Contact your personal manager for more details on available ads and start implementing your strategy now.