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Planchain Ico Reveiw : Intellectual Property (IP) Asset Management Simplified

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About Planchain

The Planchain platform includes a Proof of Authorship Engine to create an immutable record of the authorship and ownership of an IP asset (e.g., a copyrighted asset, such as a digital photograph) on the VechainThor Blockchain.

Intellectual Property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, which include inventions, literary and artistic works, symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce, among others. Intellectual Property is divided into two main categories.

PlanChain is a next generation Intellectual Property (IP) Asset Management Platform (patent pending) that is powered by the PlanChain (PLAN) utility token and the VechainThor Blockchain. The PlanChain platform will utilize DLT and blockchain technology to help manage, protect, and monetize IP assets in innovative ways. The PlanChain platform offers blockchain-powered IP asset management solutions in the areas of copyrights, trademarks, and patents.

Company NamePlanchain
Token SymbolPLAN
AcceptingVET, BTC, ETH, SHA
Price1 PLAN token = 0.02 USD
Restricted areasUSA, South Korea, Singapore, China, and certain sensitive
Softcap0 USD
Hard Cap10,200,000 USD

Why Protect your Intellectual Property

  1. Promote innovation
  2. provide IP asset owners the ability to protect their IP assets
  3. Encouraging owners to reveal their work
  4. Strong motivation to invest in idea development
  5. Provide IP asset owners a platform to monetize their IP assets
  6. Create immutable records for their IP assets that can help in legal disputes

IP Marketplace

The PlanChain platform includes an IP Asset Marketplace called THORM that allows users to monetize their IP assets. THORM can use NFTs that represent IP assets and the metadata associated with the IP assets. Users can create profiles on THORM and also IP portfolios (linked to their profiles) to list, showcase, and monetize all of their IP assets. All transactions will be powered by the PLAN utility token and the VechainThor Blockchain, and may optionally use fee delegation (such MPP for VTHO) or atomic swaps.FIND OUT MORE.

Trade Secure

Planchain is a type of intellectual property in the form of a formula, practice, process, design, instrument, pattern, commercial method, or compilation of information that is not generally known or reasonably ascertainable by others, and by which a person or company can obtain an economic advantage over competitors. In some jurisdictions, such secrets are referred to as confidential information.

Proof Of Authorship Engine

  • User Upload One Or More Files Associated With IP Asset.
  • User Provides PLAN Utility Tokens. Alternatively, Fiat Or Other Digital Assets Provided By User Are Converted To PLAN Tokens.
  • PlanChain Uses A SHA-256 Algorithm To Generate One Or More Hashes.
  • PlanChain Generates A Blockchain Certificate For User To Document The Authorship And Ownership.
  • User Has Option To Create A Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Of Their IP Asset.

IP Vault

The PlanChain platform includes an IP Vault that allows users to securely store their files associated with their IP assets, blockchain certificates, NFTs, draft documents, contracts, among others.

Private Vault: secure storage that is only accessible by the user
Linked Vault: secure storage where the user can enable restricted access to certain vault documents to linked accounts, such as a IP professional working with the user.

Intellectual Property and Blockchain

  1. Faster
  2. Easier
  3. Safer
  4. Cheaper
  5. Transparent
  6. Decentralized

Mobile Application

The Planchain ecosystem also includes a mobile application for IP asset management called SNAP BLOCK (patent pending) that integrates most or all of the features of the Proof of Authorship Engine, the IP Vault, and THORM: IP Asset Marketplace. Furthermore, SNAP BLOCK offers unique and innovative features for the user that is on the go.FIND OUT MORE.

Planchain Roadmap

Q4 2019

Start of Pre-Sale
Pledge & KYC for TGE
Onboarding IP Professionals
Onboarding Partners
MVP Launch (Proof Of Authorship Engine)
Deployment of PLAN tokens
Integrating Arkane Wallet
Integrating Comet
Blockchain Certificate Version 1.0

Q1 2020

Building Snapblock & IP Vault
Linked Vault
Proof Of Authorship Engine 2.0

Q2 2020

Integrating PlanChain In Live The Life (LTL) Platform
Proof Of Authorship Engine 3.0

Q3 2020

Launching Snapblock
Blockchain Certificate Version 2.0

Q4 2020

Building IP Asset Marketplace (THORM)
IP Asset Portfolios
IP Asset Pooling
Multi-Party IP Asset Pooling
Automatic Transfer Of Ownership

The Network Of IP Professionals

The ecosystem also includes a Network of Intellectual Property professionals . Thanks to the partnerships with Delizio Law and The Trust alliance Network they will provide a wide range of IP professionals from around the globe.


SnapBlock is a mobile application that integrates most or all of the features of the Proof of Authorship Engine, IP Vault, and THROM. Furthermore, SnapBlock allows users to snap a photo on their mobile device, and automatically obtain a blockchain certificate for proof of authorship and ownership.

  1. User snaps a digital photograph (or records a video or other media)
  2. PlanChain automatically generates blockchain certificate for user.
  3. User has option to instantly create a Non-Fungible Token (NFT) of their photo.
  4. User has the option to add a digital signature to their photo to visually indicate a record of ownership has been added to the blockchain (and optionally add other metadata)
  5. User has the option to seamlessly add their IP asset to the IP Vault, and to their profile/portfolio in the THORM IP Asset Marketplace in order to monetize their IP asset


Participant shall be solely responsible for compliance with any tax obligations arising from the purchase or receipt of Tokens. Company shall bear no liability or responsibility with respect to any tax obligation of Participant in respect of the purchase and receipt of any Tokens.


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