What Is Pheonix Protocol Dao(PP)?
Pheonix Protocol Dao community started as a collective of crypto traders and enthusiasts looking to pool together connections, influence, and capital as a way to streamline our efforts, identify safe-opportunities in micro-crypto, and also receive + share alpha (information that is not publicly known – usually insider info.) about upcoming crypto launches.
From this pod of just a few members grew they desire to create a project – passion project – that encompassed what they believed to be all of the best utilities in crypto and provide access to them in one unified ecosystem.
$PP Token is the native currency of the Phoenix Protocol Alpha DAO ecosystem. $PP is a decentralized protocol layer designed for community-governed initiatives and operations. DAO participation is implemented via member-only community rooms and voting mechanisms.
Important Points Table Of Pheonix Protocol Dao
Basic | Points |
Coin Name | Pheonix Protocol Dao |
Short Name |