Litevault Wallet Review: The Trustless Online Wallet For Litecoin

Litevault Wallet Review: The Trustless Online Wallet For Litecoin

About Litevault Wallet

Litevault Wallet is an online wallet service which uses in-browser cryptography to reduce the risk of the coin operator running with the funds. This same system is used by – a well known online Bitcoin wallet (UNAFFILIATED WITH LITEVAULT). LiteVault wallet review. LiteVault is a unique online wallet. Although like most online wallets your private keys are kept on LiteVault’s servers your browser encrypts them before sending them so Litevault receives and encrypted version. The software is easy to use and the design is very simplistic.

Litevault Wallet is an easy-to-use web wallet for Litecoin. It allows users to store send and receive LTC with a web browser and without downloading the blockchain. LiteVault encrypts wallets before they reach their servers and allows 2-factor authentication through email address. This wallet is completely open source.

Litevault Wallet Key Details

Vendor NameLitevault Wallet
FeaturesOpen Source, 2 Factor Authentication
Supported coinsLTC
Platforms (Window)
Ease of UseEasy
Anonymity Medium
Wallet HQ LocationN/A
Listed At Altwow26/05/2021
Official Wallet WebsiteClick Here To Visit Wallet Website

How To Install Litevault Wallet?

Selfkey Wallet Step 1

First Download Litevault Wallet Wallet App From App Store For Example ( Google Play, Or Apple Store. You Get Official Download Wallet Link At Litevault Wallet Website.

Litevault Step 2

Once You Successfully Installed Wallet.Than Start Creating Wallet By Filling Necessary Data Which Required By Wallet Like – Name , Email, Password Etc.

Litevault Step 3

Download The Keystore File. This File Enable Or Allow You To Decrypt Your Wallet Just Alike Private Key Does, So If You Lose It Or Someone Gains Access To It, Your Coins Are Locked. Save This File On A USB Stick, Put It In A Ziploc Bag Or Waterproof Container, And Store It In A Safe Place .

Litevault Step 4

Many Wallet Offer Private Key Features. If Kriptomat Offer Private Ket Features Than Follow This Guide – Snap “I Get, Proceed” And You Will See Your Private Key. Spare This Key By Printing Your Paper Wallet. Store This In A Safe Place For Example In Almira Or Any Zip Locker.

Litevault Step 5

Once You Follow All Above Guidelines Than Your Wallet Successfully Setup. Now It Is Time To Store Coin.

How Does It Work

When you login to LiteVault, your browser sends your identifier to the server, they return an encrypted version of your wallet with the AES algorithm, your browser then decrypts this using your password (which is never sent to the server) to load your private keys used to sign transactions.

When you send Litecoins via LiteVault, they use the private keys in your browser memory to sign a transaction form your address, they then post that crafted transaction to our server as a hash which we cannot modify, theycan only push the transaction out to the network.

Technology Used

The backend was built in Node.JS, For the frontend Bootstrap was used (and completely re-styled) for the HTML and CSS to ensure a good, responsive layout was possible, allowing the website to work well on mobiles, tablets and computers.

LiteVault Features & Fees

When you decide to use a particular coin, it is always a better idea to pick compatible wallets. This is the same case with Litecoin and one of its web tools – the LiteVault. It is easy to operate and has a good level of security. What is more, the wallet uses a SharedKey as an authorized access between you and the server. As an extra safety measure, this key is reachable only via your password. The encryption of all your data is done with the AES algorithm in the browser. Every piece of information is hidden. However, with web and hot wallets, there is the possibility of malware attacks and phishing scams. In this LiteVault review, we will look closer at what this wallet offers and how safe it is.

Why Choose Litevault


Your wallet is encrypted before it touches our servers. Unlike other Litecoin wallet services, they NEVER see your private keys, and are unable to access your funds.


No blockchain download needed, sign up for an account in less than 10 seconds


They love Open Source software as much as you do, which is why they have all of our source code publicly available for you to investigate on GitHub.


LiteVault is extremely easy to use, send and receive litecoins without downloading any software.