LandDAO Airdrop Review: 50% Of The Claimable Amount Can be Claimed

LandDAO Airdrop Review: 50% Of The Claimable Amount Can be Claimed

About LandDAO Airdrop

LandDAO Airdrop is a metaverse land fractionalization protocol that makes metaverse land affordable to everyone. It is a revolutionary project that unites metaverse landowners from all corners of the virtual world into one single DAO. Their team has carefully selected 21 major metaverses, each with already issued lands, plots, parcels and planets. By coming together, they will create a powerful DAO that will serve the interests of all landowners.

LandDAO is airdropping a total of 90,000,000 $LAND to various digital landowners. The Sandbox Game, Decentraland, Somnium Space (Lands only), Cryptovoxels, Treeverse, NFT Worlds, Byoverse, Ember Sword, Neo Tokyo Land Deeds, Influence Asteroids, Voxel Ville, Substrata, MatrixWorld, FLUF World: Burrows, Netvrk Land, LeapN Founders Deed World, Farm Land by Pixels, Mavia Land, Project NANOPASS, MultiverseVM and Worldwide Webb Land landowners by the snapshot date are eligible to claim free $LAND. The snapshot was taken in March 2022.

PlatformTotal ValueMax. ParticipantsWebsite
ETH 90,000,000 $LANDUnlimitedClick Here To Visit

Step No 1

Register for the LandDAO Airdrop, by creating an account.

Step No 2

Verify your email & log in to your account.

Step No 3

Take part in the referral program and invite 3 friends.

Step No 4

Join LandDAO Airdrop on Telegram group & Telegram channel

Step No 5

Follow LandDAO Airdrop on Twitter & like/share the pinned tweet and tag 3 friends.  

Step No 6

Like/follow LandDAO Airdrop on Facebook & like/share the pinned post.  

Step No 7

Submit your details to the LandDAO Airdrop form. 

$LAND token drop!

LandDAO fractionalizes metaverse land and makes it affordable to everyone. They are airdropping free $LAND to all the metaverse landowners on March 31. They want you to be on governance board!Early claiming – March 30 7 PM UTC
Public claiming – from March 31 7 PM UTC

The LandDAO

The LandDAO represents a platform that enables ownership and management of metaverse lands through fractionalized index pools and protocol governance through DAO.

$LAND Token

$LAND token enables its holders to get $LAND rewards, as well as perpetual commission fees earned by the platform, plus DAO-governance rights. Claim your free $LAND tokens and start participating in the building of the metaverse.

DAO governance of LandDAO

As described above, after the initial take-off, the LandDAO will be governed through the decisions made by the DAO, while the team will take up the execution part. They will make a separate and dedicated update on the ETA of this.

$LAND Token

As already mentioned, $LAND token will be issued by LandDAO and will grant its stakers DAO-governance rights and also allow them to earn $LAND and $ETH when they stake (lock up) their $LAND tokens.

As for the distribution, here is the breakdown of rewards, token allocation and airdrops: 

Percentage of supply$LAND tokens
Landowners Airdrop (in 2 parts) 9%90,000,000
Investment Rewards34%340,000,000
Staking Rewards10%100,000,000
DLS Development Fund DAO9%90,000,000
DLS Avatar Holders9%90,000,000
Liquidity Management2%20,000,000
Strategic Sale5%50,000,000
Total Supply (1 Billion tokens)100%1,000,000,000

9% Free Airdrop to Landowners 

The Airdrop will be split and claimable in 2 parts.

  • The first 50% will be claimable on the token launch day.
  • The second 50% will be claimable in 60 days after the launch of the token.
  • The $LAND tokens will be available for claiming by the eligible landowners during 6 months after the launch of the claiming process. All of the unclaimed tokens will go to the treasury after the claiming window.

The amount of $LAND tokens each landowner is going to be able to claim will be based on a snapshot made in February (exact date to be specified). Additionally, a custom land-valuation tool developed by DLS will be used to determine claimable $LAND tokens together with floor prices.

34% Investment Rewards 

In order to incentivize investments into the initially launched pools created and offered by LandDAO, 34% of the $LAND tokens will be awarded to the  investors who invest in the pools, hence giving them a portion of the voting and governance rights of the whole LandDAO as well.

Token emission: 

Investment reward tokens won’t be issued all at once, rather then there will be a daily linear vesting period during 720 days to a particular wallet address. In the beginning this wallet address will be governed by the team. At a later stage, when there is a DAO established with the respective multisig wallet – the DAO will govern the accrued $LAND tokens and allocate them to fractional pool investment rewards.

10% Staking Rewards

The liquidity program will continue for 1,000,000 blocks that is approximately 6 months.
$LAND rewards per block specified below. 

2% Liquidity Management

Will be utilized to allocate this amount together with ETH on the other side to create an LP on Uniswap and/or other decentralized exchanges.  Team will probably get this ETH from strategic sale.


9% of the $LAND tokens will be allocated and sent to the DLS DAO treasury as a tribute. Since DLS is the parent organization of LandDAO, the DLS community will be awarded with $LAND tokens to stake them, earn rewards and participate in the LandDAO governance.