What Is IPVERSE (IPV)? Complete Guide & Review About IPVERSE

What Is IPVERSE (IPV)? Complete Guide & Review About IPVERSE


IPVERSE is a secure and reliable Digital IP Transaction Network that establishes an IP transaction blockchain network of IP and solves the IP transactions opacity problem. IPV Token serves as an asset that can generate profit, as well as provide translation processing by utilising the strengths of blockchain-based services, It also provides the platform with the capability for expansion and maintenance and public interest functions for all users to own and create new IPs.

Important Points Table Of IPVERSE

Short NameIPV
Total Supply3,000,000,000
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How to Buy the Continental & Trade On Exchange?

First Step

Buying IPV Is Very Easy Task . Just Find Exchange Where IPV Available & Buy Through Your Credit & Other Altcoin .

Second Step

Once You Purchased IPV. Now It Is Time To Store Your IPV Or Start Trading On Exchange .

A Network for Trading All Kinds of IP

IPVERSE is an integrated digital IP trading platform that offers a clear, fair, and safe environment for creators and users.

Using the global expansion of blockchain technology

The IP market is undergoing rapid growth due to its extensive reach societally, technologically, and economically. However, a comprehensive solution for servicing IP has yet to be developed.
However, before now no exact solution for IP services has been made. IPVERSE creates another kind of asset called IPV Tokens by enabling the free trading of intellectual property between users and creators, thereby encouraging creative activity.

IPVERSE Blockchain

IPVERSE is a blockchain-based intellectual property trading platform that provides and protects creators’ creative and personal information. The platforms goal is to create a world where everyone can easily trade IPs in various fields such as art, culture, and technology.

IPVERSE is a public blockchain with independent networks and various IP protocols. On the IPVERSE blockchain, content is recorded and verified based on the agreement of nodes. Recorded content cannot be forged or altered. Additionally, the core function of IPVERSE is to record hash values for IP data in IPVERSE, and to verify the integrity and ownership of that data.

Creators Registering their IP Through IPVERSE

The work of creators registered through IPVERSE becomes a digital asset with NFT, creating an environment where they can show high value.

A Token representing a one-off digital asset

NFT leverages blockchain technology, but it’s not the same as traditional virtual assets. In other words, digital assets are characterized by a unique recognition value that cannot be exchanged.


The difference is that NFT is valued for its scarcity, and is relatively much safer, because it uses blockchain technology, and cannot be replicated.

IPV Token works across all DApp services and platforms

IPV Token registers IP information, creates content, and distributes revenue within the platform. It is also used by all DApp (Dentralized Application) services, including funding activities, and platform processes.

A new NFT MALL that delivers the true value of NFT

A combination of two pure Korean words, which are ON and NFT, which means “everyone, and everything.” In essence, ONFT means “Everyone can be together.”

ONFT is an NFT MALL. It is one of the services of the IPXHOP platform. The exclusive currency that can be used to trade in the IPVERSE is the IPV Token.

All creators of ONFT share and trade IPs with other users, in order to facilitate an environment for more creative activities. Users can also accumulate new NFT assets by owning creators’ IPs.

User Friendly Interface

IPV Token serves as a medium for generating profits from IP content other than fiat currency.
The token also strengthens the capabilities of blockchain-based services. Furthermore, it provides an environment where users can own and create new IPs.

Individual IP tokenization and smart contract establishment

IPVERSE tokenizes the creator’s IP within the IP distributed book keeping service, and anyone can easily buy and sell that tokenized IP. This will result in a small fee for closing the transaction and IPV Token, and for creating the transaction as a partial fee.

Registering content through blockchain

DApp services provided by the IPVERSE platform are given a content IP at the request of the creators regarding the content posted on the service.

Creating a crowdfunding environment for users

By eliminating the complexity of the existing payment systems, crowdfunding through IPVERSE can register a creator’s more developed IP and issue a new token that symbolizes the IP work. Through this crowdfunding method, new content IPs can be registered and traded, providing diverse revenue to users.

IPV Token

In addition to IP transactions, users can receive IPV Token for community contributions in addition to node configuration in IPVERSE. The contents of users in DApp service include SNS sharing and other activities. With these events, users will receive IPV Token and re-consume the reward by combining various promotional elements into the DApp service.