About EmirateSwap Coin
EmirateSwap Coin the “Next” section you’ll see a green Enter UP button and a red Enter DOWN button. Click Enter UP if you want to predict a rise in price, and click Enter DOWN if you want to predict a drop in price. All you need to do is connect your wallet, visit the swap interface input in the amount of tokens you want to buy or sell , Check the details, and click the Swap button. Confirm button. Adding and removing Liquidity is very simple on EmirateSwap, all you need to do is to visit Emirateswap Liquidity Page. Connect your wallet, follow the guide on the presale page and Buy EmirateSwap coins(EMC).
You can also send bnb directly to the smart contract address to instantly receive your EMC. EmirateSwap Coin is a bep20 cryptocurrency created on the Binance Smart Chain, EmirateSwap coins will become the Primary cryptocurrency in addition to Cake and Binance coins that will be used extensively on the Emirateswap Platform, Just like a Pancakeswap.
EmirateSwap Coin Point Table
Coin Basic | Information |
Coin Name | EmirateSwap Coin |
Short Name | EMC |
Circulating Supply | 261,000,000.00 EMC |
Max Supply | 750,000,000 |
Source Code | Click Here To View Source Code |
Explorers | Click Here To View Explorers |
Twitter Page | Click Here To Visit Twitter Group |
Whitepaper | Click Here To View |
Support | 24/7 |
Official Project Website | Click Here To Visit Project Website |
Cake Lottery
Buying tickets is easy. You just need a little CAKE though: each ticket costs approximately $5 USD (the exact CAKE price is set at the start of the round). You can choose to either randomize your lottery ticket numbers, or to choose your ticket numbers manually. Choose between the randomized numbers and manual numbers.
Lottery draws occurs every 6 hours so you have 4 opportunities each day to win. You can choose to either randomize your lottery ticket numbers, or to choose your ticket numbers manually. Choose between the randomized numbers and manual numbers.
EmirateSwap Coin stated purpose of USDT is to combine the unrestricted nature of cryptocurrencies — which can be sent between users without a trusted third-party intermediary — with the stable value of the US dollar. Brock Pierce is a well-known entrepreneur who has co-founded a number of high-profile projects in the crypto and entertainment industries.
In 2013, he co-founded a venture capital firm Blockchain Capital, which by 2017 had raised over $80 million in funding. In 2014, Pierce became the director of the Bitcoin Foundation, a nonprofit established to help improve and promote Bitcoin. Pierce has also co-founded Block.one, the company behind EOS, one of the largest cryptocurrencies on the market.
Why Choose EmirateSwap Coin?
Tether was originally created to use the Bitcoin network as its transport protocol—specifically, the Omni Layer—to allow transactions of tokenised traditional currency. Since this original version of Tether uses the Bitcoin blockchain it inherits the inherent stability and security of the longest established blockchain network.
The Tether Platform is fully reserved when the sum of all Tether tokens in circulation is less than or equal to the value of the reserves. Through the Transparency page, anyone can view both of these numbers on a daily basis.
Where Can You Buy EmirateSwap Coin?
Tokens Can Be Purchased On Most Exchanges. One Choice To Trade Is On VinDAX, As It Has The Highest EMC/USDT. e Trading Volume, $8,947 As Of February 2021. Next is OKEx, With A Trading Volume Of $6,180,82. Other option To Trade Include EMC/USDT And Huobi Global. Of Course, It Is Important To Note That Investing In Cryptocurrency Comes With A Risk, Just Like Any Other Investment Opportunity.
Market Screenshot
EmirateSwap Coin Supported Wallet
Several Browser And Mobile App Based Wallets Support EmirateSwap Coin. Here Is Example Of Wallet Which EmirateSwap Coin – Trust Wallet For Hardware Ledger Nano.
FAQ Of EmirateSwap Coin
Where I Can Find EmirateSwap Coin Whitepaper?
You Can Find EmirateSwap Coin Whitepaper By Clicking Here.
Where I Can Buy/Sell Balancer Token?
You Can Buy or Sell Balancer Token On Some Popular Exchange For Example – VinDAX.
What is Circulating Supply Of Balancer Token?
Circulating Supply Of Balancer Token Is 261,000,000.00 EMC.