Deri Protocol Coin (DERI) Review: Guide About Deri Protocol Coin

Deri Protocol Coin (DERI) Review: Guide About Deri Protocol Coin

About Deri Protocol Coin

Deri Protocol Coin is a decentralized protocol for users to exchange risk exposures precisely and capital-efficiently. It is the Defi way to trade derivatives: to hedge, to speculate, to arbitrage, all on-chain. This is achieved by liquidity pools playing the roles of counterparties for users. With Deri protocol, risk exposures are tokenized as NFTs so that they can be imported into other Defi projects for their own financial purposes. Having provided an effective on-chain mechanism to exchange and hold risks, Deri protocol has minted one of the most important blocks of the Defi infrastructure.

Deri Protocol price today is $2.00 USD with a 24-hour trading volume of $2,060,225 USD. Deri Protocol is up 72.68% in the last 24 hours. The current CoinMarketCap ranking is #1228, with a market cap of $2,177,155 USD. It has a circulating supply of 1,086,769 DERI coins and a max. supply of 400,000,000 DERI coins.

Important Points Table Of Deri Protocol Coin

Coin NameDeri Protocol Coin
Short Name DERI
Circulating Supply1,086,769 DERI
ExplorerClick Here To View
Source CodeClick Here To View
WebsiteClick Here To Visit

How to Buy the Deri Protocol Coin (DERI) Coin & Trade On Exchange?

First Step

Buying Deri Protocol Is Very Easy Task . Just Find Exchange Where Deri Protocol Available & Buy Through Your Credit & Other Altcoin .

Second Step

Once You Purchased Deri Protocol. Now It Is Time To Store Your Deri Protocol Or Start Trading On Exchange .

How much gas is consumed to do things with Deri?

Deri protocol is reasonably gas-economic. Most of the actions cost around 100,000 gas per action. The most expensive action is trade-with-margin, combined action of trade and post margin, that costs around 200,000 gas per action.

If you are to trade frequently, it is encouraged to post sufficient margin to your position (i.e. your pToken) and carry out “simple trades” without adding/removing margin every time, which would cost around 100,000 gas per trade. you do not have a clear sense about how much 100,000 gas is, this is for your reference: the minimum gas consumption of a single transaction on ETH blockchain is sending ETH, which costs 21,000 gas per transfer, while a common basic transaction like sending ERC20 token (e.g. USDT or DAI) costs around 40,000~60,000 gas. That is, a single operation with Deri consumes only around twice as much gas as an simple transfer of ERC20 token.

How does Deri Protocol Coin get the base tokens for trading?

Most of the pools of Deri Protocol use general tokens (e.g. stable coins) as a base token. Therefore you can get the base token with any of the methods below.

  1. Buy in DEX: For stable coins, is recommended. Otherwise, uni swap would be of help.
  2. Buy in Centralized exchanges
  3. Borrow/Mint: For stable coins like DAI, you can mint on MakerDAO

They are working on supporting more.

Deri risk-free?

No, it is not. Liquidity mining on Deri pools is subject to the risk of impermanent loss. However, the probability of impermanent loss on Deri liquidity farming is much smaller than that of Uniswap due to the protection by arbitragers.

You might think of liquidity mining on Deri as investing in a low-risk fund with potentially very high profit, whereas those risk-free liquidity mining are like depositing your money into a bank saving account.

Yield of DERI token

DERIs, the protocol tokens are distributed to liquidity providers according to their liquidity contributions on a weekly basis. Unlike the base token profits, this part of yields is certain. It’s proportional to the dollar value and the time length (i.e. timed value) of your liquidity contribution.

Completely On-Chain

Exchanging mechanism fully implemented within Ethereum smart contracts.

Real Derivatives Get risk exposures precisely and capital-efficiently.


Risk exposures tokenized as NFTs to be utilized as lego blocks.


Three chains, one ecosystem.

Liquidity Providers

Liquidity providers provide liquidity to the pools to gain transaction fee, funding fee and DERI award etc.