Connecty ICO Review : Point to Transform Knowledge Into Innovation

Connecty ICO Review : Point to Transform Knowledge Into Innovation

About Connecty ICO

Connecty ICO is looking to streamline the relationship between businesses and research house by serving as the missing link between holders of knowledge and those responsible for transforming knowledge into innovation. This knowledge ecosystem is setting out to accommodate all scenarios on the spectrum: from a short request for an expert’s opinion to a comprehensive research study that may stretch over a considerable period of time. It is intended this will be open to all areas of knowledge and all fields of study ranging from physics, engineering and IT systems to ecology, environment and society plus everything in between. unites all the players in the innovation chain, knowledge creators and innovators within a globalized circular knowledge economy, driven by a single currency of knowledge, by interconnecting the multiple fields of knowledge. is based on three founding values: fairness, openness and progress in harmony.

Company NameConnecty
Token SymbolCTY
Price1 CTY = 0.01 EUR
Soft Cap1,000,000 EUR
Hard Cap11,000,000 EUR
AcceptingXLM, BTC, ETH, Fiat
Email SupportYes


  • The emergence of a circular knowledge economy of 1 million users: to facilitate and secure global trades of knowledge between all professionals, entrepreneurs and laboratories, public or private, which subsequently either create knowledge or use it to innovate.
  • World Federation of knowledge: the creation of an ecosystem, focused on innovation and the trade of knowledge, gathering each knowledge carrier in the field of science.

An Innovative world Through knowledge Economy is the first pair market dedicated to R&D using Blockchain Stellar. It works thanks to the Connecty token (CTY). A search engine optimizes the exchanges and makes it Connecty ICO possible to get in contact with qualified interlocutors. Decentralized knowledge exchanges are secured, streamlined and simplified by Smart Contracts.

The Connecty Platform is the first Knowledge Marketplace powered with an Artificial Intelligence Engine matching a simple question with those having the answers. For everyone holding and seeking Knowledge, the platform offers a unique place to share, exchange and collaborate through an efficient token economy.

The Knowledge Market addresses the external Research and Development flows market. A global market for knowledge purchases worth 134 billion dollars in 2015, or on average 7% of annual Research and Development expenditure.

The Benefits of Blockchain

The blockchain provides a secure environment for transactions and contracting. By this way, you can focuse on your needs, your research and your partnerships, rather than to bothering and complex administrative tasks.


Creation of a trusted secure environment as a knowledge Connecty ICO and expertise place where the players of research and innovation can meet, share and discuss in broad daylight or under protection anonymity.


Globalisation et decentralisation of the knowledge economy. Wherever you are, whoever you are, if you have knowledge or expertise that interest someone, you could value and share it.


Fluidification of knowledge exchanges thanks to the possibility of microtransactions.

Circular Economy

Implementation of a circular economy centered on the knowledge economy and open innovation thanks to the introduction of a new currency only dedicated to the exchange of knowledge and expertise.

How To use Connect Platform ?

Conscious of the technological innovation represented by the use of blockchain technology and “smarts contracts”, the purchase and use of the Token Connecty and the platform will require Connecty ICO no particular knowledge in cryptography to make it as easy as possible. User experience of those who are new to using a decentralized swap, simplicity is one of the keys to massive adoption. The platform will be built to facilitate the exchange of knowledge with a simple and ergonomic user interface.