Augmented Finance Airdrop Review: High-yield Lending

Augmented Finance Airdrop Review: High-yield Lending

About Augmented Finance

Augmented Finance is a DeFi liquidity protocol for high-yield lending and low-interest borrowing of digital assets, launched fairly and enabled by artificial intelligence (AI). They’re on a mission to help users achieve and secure financial independence and to be their trusted long-term source of income and liquidity.

Augmented Finance Airdrop public testnet is finally launched on Kovan! A $15,000 reward pool of $AGF will be distributed amongst participants for engaging in various activities. The more bugs, UI/UX inconsistencies, improvement suggestions you report, the higher chances to win better rewards.

PlatformTotal ValueMax. ParticipantsWebsite
ETH: $15,000 AGFUnlimitedClick Here To Visit

Step No 1

Register for the Augmented Finance by creating an account.

Step No 2

Verify your email & log in to your account.

Step No 3

Take part in the referral program and invite 3 friends.

Step No 4

Join Augmented Finance on Telegram group & Telegram channel

Step No 5

Follow Augmented Finance on Twitter & like/share the pinned tweet and tag 3 friends.  

Step No 6

Like/follow Augmented Finance Now, everyone can become a Airdrop on Facebook & like/share the pinned post.  

AGF Token

AGF is the native token of the Augmented Finance ecosystem and is the foundation of economics, governance and safety for the protocol.


The goal of Augmented Finance tokenomics is to create value through rewards and policies, whereby the Augmented Finance protocol growth, sustainability, and safety are prioritized over individual stakeholder objectives.

Earn best yields by supplying and borrowing assetsSupply and borrow assets with automatic 4x yield boost with AGF tokens.

How do use Augmented Finance?

  • Supply your assets to our liquidity pools to receive liquidity rewards in AGF tokens plus interest in the currency of the asset you supplied
  • Borrow assets from liquidity pools with the lowest rates and receive liquidity rewards in AGF tokens
  • Stake your agTokens and AGF-ETH UNI LP tokens to earn AGF tokens for staking
  • Lock your AGF to get xAGF and a boost (up to 4x) for your AGF rewards

Highest level of protocol security

Audited and verified by PeckShield

Protocol successfully passed a security audit by PeckShield, a leading expert in blockchain security.

Non-custodial and open-source

Protocol users always retain full control over their funds. The protocol code is open-source.

Have you done a security audit?

The security of the Augmented Finance protocol is our highest priority, and the team has taken all the necessary actions to secure users’ funds. The protocol will be released only after we finish the security audit that is currently underway. Additionally, we’ll establish a bug bounty program to reward improving the security of the protocol.‌

Why don’t you disclose the team?

‌They believe that the future of Augmented Finance should not be shaped by a group of creators and want to completely eliminate any human factor, building on the philosophy of Bitcoin’s anonymous creator. The team will stay anonymous as long as it doesn’t hurt the successful growth of the protocol ecosystem.‌

Referral program

Augmented Finance makes DeFi more accessible. Users are not only able to supply or borrow assets, but also become a referrer and earn great AGF rewards by inviting new suppliers and borrowers to the Augmented Finance protocol.

A referrer receives a share of the referral pool based on the amount of assets supplied and borrowed by new users who joined via the referrer’s personal referral link.

How it works

  1. A user registers as a referrer and gets a unique referral link
  2. The referrer distributes his unique referral link to invite new suppliers and borrowers to the protocol
  3. Every 2 weeks the balance is calculated and refrerral rewards are paid:
    • The amount of “points” that referrer accumulated during these 2 weeks (A)
    • The amount of “points” that all the referrers accumulated during these 2 weeks (B)
    • Referrers receive AGF rewards based on the following formula: A / B * AGF tokens issued for the referral pool during the 2 week timeframe

No multi-level referral rewards

A referrer receives the referral rewards only for the new suppliers and borrowers that came via his personal referral link.