Ico Review : Make Money by Helping Others over the Phone


About is a next-gen search engine. Rather than giving the usual results, it offers you a list of people, related to your query. You are able to call, chat or video-call immediately with these people. If they ask a fee for their time, you can pay them with AnyCoin.

This will greatly reduce the time-cost of most hunts for information. Rather than wading through text for multiple hours, someone knowledgeable will be able to explain it to you in minutes. Plus, you will understand it better too.

Token SymbolANY
Whitelist/KYCKYC & Whitelist
Price1 ANY = 0.04 USD
Restricted areasIran, Iraq, Cuba, Syria, Sudan North, Crimea
Hard Cap6,400,000 USD
WebsiteHomepage Change Life

There are three major categories where Anything App will positively impact society. Whichever one is most relevant to you, is likely the one where you will benefit most from.


  • You’ll be able to make extra money in a manner that’s both easy and fun.
  • You’ll be able to make money from your passions and experiences.


  • Save significant amounts of time through Anything App. Going through traditional search engines can be time-inefficient and frustrating.
  • Many consultancy based professions are structured in an old-fashioned manner. Drive to their office. Book half an hour. Pay a fortune. This process takes too long and it could be settled in minutes with Anything App.


  • The internet does not suffice when you need custom advice.
  • High-value information is not readily available on the internet.
  • Sometimes they need another set of eyes to look at a situation with . This is something traditional search engines cannot arrange.
  • Professionals are difficult to reach and expensive.
  • The often deal with less than the best, because that is what is available in neighbour hoods.

Key Partnership partners up with key players in target markets. A prime example is Durian Corp: a business facilitator and incubator, with a network that is in its own league. Together with Durian Corp, are able to introduce the Anything App to well over a hundred top-top-top executives across target markets, shortly after launch. For them, it is a great way to give back to society. For us, a fantastic way to establish maximum credibility from the get-go.

Mass Adoption

In order to achieve mass adoption, a marketing strategy was designed to maximize user acquisition.

  • Markets have high adoption rates for new technology and entrepreneurial spirit.
  • Anything target verticals with the most traffic, which differ per region, in order to effectively market services.
  • A powerful referral system á la Dropbox, where both people are rewarded, rather than just the referrer.
  • App is packed with subtle viral tools.
  • Focus on caring for community.

Token Burning

The philosophy of Anything App is not to enrich ourselves; it is to enrich others. This has always been the purpose of the company. The gradual burning of our tokens helps generate a more predictable coin for users.

The gradual burning of tokens helps generate a more stable coin for users.

  • Anything App burns 20% of all AnyCoin it receives as commissions from interaction between buyer and seller. Transaction volume will increase over time and burning accelerates along with it.
  • If AnyCoin are given to the community as an incentive to join, those will be burned if the AnyCoin remain inactive for six months. Further burning of tokens is up to the discretion of the Anything App Team and will occasionally occur during the life-span of company.
  • Further burning of tokens is up to the discretion of the Anything App Team and will occasionally occur during the life-span of company.


Q3 2017

Team Founded, Youpinion was born, first prototype, market research indicates overwhelming positive feedback.

Q4 2017

Rebranding to Anything App, redesign prototype using lean methodology. Perfecting strategy.

Q1 2018

Incorporation of Intellectual Property Holding in the Netherlands. Token sale preparation & presale.

Q2 2018

Establishes subsidiary in Southeast Asia. AnyCoin to be registered on selected exchanges.

Q3 2018

Global launch on iPhone and Android in addition to targeted marketing in a selected country in Southeast Asia.

Q4 2018

Release of Anything App on desktop browsers.

Q1-Q2 2019

Features added: full language capability, paid advertisements, promotional items launch, verified & corporate accounts, web plugins. Second AnyCoin app launch.

Q4 2019

Anything App enters second country in Southeast Asia

Future Anything App

AnyCoin will be integrated in additional platforms and apps in the future. The Anything App company has currently conceptualized two additional projects, of which they have added one to development roadmap. The second App is due Q2, 2019.

The are purposefully cryptic about our projects; launch is still some time away. The approach to the concepts is novel. These are the broad lines, so you will understand in which direction the Anything App community will develop itself.

  • A specialized system to make one-on-one business mentoring accessible to everyone. Not just accessible, but attractive.
  • A platform to make crypto forecasting and expected market movements digestible and exciting to the average consumer.

Grow are confident they can generate mass adoption in Asia and are generally optimistic about expansion beyond that. Many of are serial-founders; marketing and achieving product-market fit is always on the minds.


Please send an email to support “at” anythingapp “dot” com, or join our Telegram group and ask your question there. They are working on our second iteration. The first Anything App was a functional prototype, however it was not designed to scale. The current design uses React Native technology and its back-end is fully optimized to handle a load of millions of users.

The Main Team